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Landscape: A programme to investigate marketing effectiveness and identify sales development opportunities


Commission 'Landscape' to research and benchmark the market, evaluate company performance and identify opportunities for sales devopment.

Allround Creative’s Landscape programme involves us listening to what you have to say about your company, conducting market research and sharing practical insights into sales and marketing solutions. The end-game might be growth, turnaround, business expansion, new sectors, new markets, product launch, portfolio development or displacement sales.

We work with you to diagnose, design, evaluate and implement ‘sales-marketing’ solutions. Allround Creative will first take time to learn about your objectives and any hurdles to be overcome.

Allround Creative’s Landscape programme involves Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats (SWOT) analysis of your business' current position and potential for improvement. We explore new marketing channels, new business funnels and suggests practical ways to improve sales.

Landscape investigation and market research include:

The Sales Evidence layer: are you competing?

Are your sales messages crystal clear? How do you stack up against direct competitors? We set out to understand and communicate tangible sales justification. We look at products and services and cover topics such as technical superiority, overall business case, ease of adoption, total cost of ownership, portability, upgrade path, and brand differentiation, among others.

Complementary Sales layers: are customers convinced?

Your product works. What else? We set out to understand and communicate what might be called the intangible aspects of a sale. While hard to describe they are powerful sales influencers that address the buyer’s perceptions and need for trust and value. The objective is to make it easier for customers to make their decision to buy.

Buyers have pre-conceptions and perceptions about reliability and service levels. Buyers want to know about roles and responsibility in a business relationship (who takes the bullet!). To win their trust you may have to overcome their recollections of bad past experiences, or overcoming allegiances to a competitor.

Compelling Presentation: is the sales journey simple and logical?

We check to ensure that the way things are set up make it easy for different types of customer to engage with your company. Online or offline, is the sales journey logical and easy to understand? Is the presentation material appropriate at each step, from when a prospect first discovers you, to when they weigh up competing options, to the time of purchase.

Attraction, nurture and conversion of sales opportunity

There are defined steps from growing market awareness of your products, to educating prospects, to earning a sale. We look at how sales opportunities can be created and nurtured so leads and opportunities don’t get abandoned prematurely or slip between departments.

Insight is a complementary ACANo5 customer research programme

Market research, marketing effectiveness, sales improvement | Get in touch