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Copy writing | Based in Reading, Berkshire, UK. All copy writing formats from website copy to case studies.


Where are words in the marketing stack? Copy writers undervalued? Do business people read? Is grammar and spelling important? Has the visual overtaken the written as the dominant art form? 

The power of the word to be memorable and persuasive in marketing remains strong.

Stop for a moment and put a figure to the number of company brochures or websites you have seen in the last three months. How many do you remember and how many are just a blur. Those that stand out have distinct competitive advantage; those whose words enter your vocabulary have the advantages of brand leadership.

The brave will naturally take a stand against bland, 'bloodless copywriting. The timid too often settle for words that are merely functional and flat because they sort of do the job’.

If you have an ambition to stand out, be authentically different, have your own voice, personality and house style, it will take some initial thought and preparation, but not as much as you think. The effort will pay off in new forms of words that provide something for staff and customers to unite around.

Copywriters Berkshire London UK: from brochure copy to web site narrative

At The Allround Creative Agency, we invite you to embrace words more than space fillers in web sites and brochures. Words are tools that can help you to create a company story, they are assets that can help you to stand out from your competitors, and they are glue that can help you form relationships with customers and sell more.

We would point to two essential copy writing areas where generic copy writing does not work. The first is home page copy writing for web sites, where it is essential to create an effective sales narrative. The second is in case studies, which Gartner recently identified as the number one sales tool, where narratives must be created to connect with similar potential buyers.

However, words should work hard for you in all communications, internal or external:

  • Web site copy writing
  • Brochure copy writing
  • Case study copy writing
  • Advertising copy writing
  • Campaign copy writing
  • Article copy writing
  • Product copy wirting
  • Press release copy writing
  • Staff announcements

Words creep up on you, like Google

What are the advertising words that have entered the public consciousness? "Simples", "Just do it", "It's only a commercial", "Because you are worth it", "The real thing" - slogans that have the force to be memorable and/or irritate in equal measure.

We have adopted Google as a verb and we now google information, which is an example of a brand getting totally under the public's skin. However, does the name help? Is there anything in the sound and rhythm that helps adoption? Had Bing been first to market would we have accepted this shrill monosyllable as readily into our vocabulary? Did Ask Jeeves write its own epitaph by hitching its wagon to a character whose reputation carries little weight with the digital generation?

Berkshire copy writing: you don't have to be global for words to have marketing impact

Brand names and company messaging are so important to positioning, success and longevity. You don't have to be a global super brand to gain the benefits of effective naming and compelling copy. Our copy writers created the strap line "With Bournes, it's personal" to convey Bournes' heritage and customer commitment. The name "Whoosh!" was created for Parkeon's online payment system as a sensory brand that conveys sound and movement. "We work for you!" inverts the view that the market frequently has of recruiters, for an up and coming recruitment agency. "Imagine if ...." is the campaign theme developed by Allround Creative to support sales campaigns for one of the fastest expanding communications companies.
Campaign copy writing

Can you name the brands associated with these captions?

Hello Boys | Reassuringly expensive | Liquid engineering | Rooster booster | We're No. 2, so we try harder

Taglines are just one copywriting format. How many tag lines do you recognise among the Best Hundred Addertising Tag Lines? It's not necessarily the most eloquent words that succeed but those that are memorable.

I didn't have time to write you a short letter

The saying "I have made this longer because I have not had time to make it shorter" is attributed to a number of people. Whoever said it, it highlights the disciplie and skill required to write something succinct and effective. 

We invite you to go beyond the merely descriptive when writing about your products or services, to name them so that they become unique to you and not like-for-like alternatives to a competitor's offer. Named products and evocative copywriting will help you to develop and protect your Intellectual Property.

Copywriting services, brand naming and verbal identity to help you create a unique, memorable tone of voice and a personality that stands out authentically from the competiion.


Copy Writing. Berkshire Reading Bracknell Slough UK | Get in Touch 

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Call: 0118 988 0766

The Allround Creative Agency No 5
Wyvols Court, Basingstoke Rd,
Reading RG7 1WY